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Why are medical sterilization packages wet?
Source: | Author:MedColor | Published time: 1853 days ago | 1110 Views | Share:
Pressure steam sterilization has become one of the most widely used sterilization methods in medical institutions because of its advantages of high efficiency, safety and reliable sterilization effect.
Pressure steam sterilization has become one of the most widely used sterilization methods in medical institutions because of its advantages of high efficiency, safety and reliable sterilization effect. It is mainly used in sterilization of high temperature and humidity resistant medical instruments and dressings. In the 2012 edition of Technical Specification for Disinfection in Medical Institutions, 5.1.3 stipulates that pressure steam sterilization is the first choice for heat-resistant and humidity-resistant surgical instruments. However, because steam releases heat quickly when it encounters cold objects, it condenses into small droplets. Normally, these condensate droplets will vaporize and discharged during the sterilization process, and will not affect the final sterilization of medical devices. But after sterilization, if the condensate droplets do not evaporate completely from the package of sterilized articles, it will cause wet package.

The wet package itself is sterile and harmless, but after wetting the package with condensate droplets, a liquid passage will be formed on the packaging material, which will facilitate the invasion of bacteria outside the package and cause the possibility of contamination of the articles in the package. Therefore, if a wet package appears after sterilization, that is to say, if sterilization fails, it needs to be unpacked and repackaged and sterilized again, which not only affects the turnover efficiency of sterilized articles, but also wastes manpower, material resources and energy. And more importantly, compared with the dominant wet package, the invisible wet package has greater concealment, which is easy to be used by the inspectors negligently, resulting in infection risks and serious consequences. How to reduce wet bag rate is one of the urgent problems to be solved in hospital supply room.

At present, the literature on wet packages mainly focuses on the causes of wet packages, sterilization drying time, loading and unloading process control of sterilized articles. Many literature studies have confirmed that the selection of sterilized packaging materials has an obvious effect on the reduction of wet packages of final sterilized medical devices. The main reason is that the permeability of packaging materials to water vapor is different. 。 In these documents, most of the research methods used are using different packaging materials (such as cotton cloth, medical wrinkle paper, paper-plastic packaging bags, etc.) to package medical devices. After sterilization, the drying condition of the articles is checked to determine the impact of packaging materials on the wet package. However, the experimental process of this method is complex and needs to complete the whole sterilization process, and the different sterilization process and operation methods will have a greater impact on the results. So, as far as packaging materials are concerned, can we control the wet package problem caused by packaging materials before they enter the sterilization process? In my opinion, since the water vapor permeability of packaging materials is one of the main factors causing wet package, the problem of wet package caused by poor water vapor permeability of packaging materials in sterilization process can be indirectly controlled by testing the water vapor permeability of packaging materials before practical use.