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Bacteria prevention master-aseptic bag
Source: | Author:MedColor | Published time: 1863 days ago | 1252 Views | Share:
So why is it so important to maintain a sterile environment?
Because hospitals, clinics, dental clinics, sanatoriums and other places where patients receive any type of treatment are dangerous
So why is it so important to maintain a sterile environment?

Because hospitals, clinics, dental clinics, sanatoriums and other places where patients receive any type of treatment are dangerous, potentially lethal, hotbeds of highly infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other dangerous microorganisms.

Common bacteria in these environments are:

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): A potentially lethal Staphylococcal infection that is particularly dangerous for people with weak immune systems. It often occurs in hospitals, sanatoriums, dialysis centers and other health care institutions. It is called "superbacteria" because it is resistant to many antibiotics. According to a recent hospital study, the mortality rate may be between 11% and 50% depending on the specific strain.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa can cause pneumonia, urinary tract infections and bacterial infections. Hospital-related Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia has a high mortality rate.

Cellulitis is a skin infection that can spread, leading to permanent disfigurement, scarring, blindness or brain infections. It can enter through cracks, ulcers, open wounds or cracks in the skin.

Clostridium difficile, sometimes called Clostridium difficile or Clostridium difficile, can cause severe diarrhea, acute and life-threatening colitis, perforation of the colon and other dangerous complications. Some new strains are very resistant to traditional antibiotics.

These are just a small fraction of the nasty infections that lurk in the medical environment, but the good news is that proper sanitation and sterilization procedures will protect patients from these potentially fatal or debilitating diseases.

This is why well-designed, high-quality sterilization bags are essential for suppliers.

They should be combined with adhesives and heat-sealed tracks to prevent accidental tearing or instrument cutting. If they are made of solid material and three seals, it will help to keep the instrument sterile until it can be used.

Good disinfection bags use transparent film to isolate bacteria and harmful gases; it is essential that the tools and supplies in the sterilization bags produced by all suppliers be truly sterile before they can be used.

A blue transparent lid can be found on the well-made disinfection bag sold to the supplier, through which any cracks in the bag that may contain contaminants can be found immediately.

Medical grade paper should always be used in disinfection bags and strong bonding edges should be provided to ensure sealing.