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Nursing and treatment of surgical instruments
Source: | Author:MedColor | Published time: 1865 days ago | 2113 Views | Share:
I. rinse.Immediately after use, rinse the instrument with warm or cold water to remove all blood, body fluids and tissues.
I. rinse.

Immediately after use, rinse the instrument with warm or cold water to remove all blood, body fluids and tissues. Dry attachments can damage the surface of the instrument and make cleaning very difficult. Do not use hot water to wash, because it will coagulate protein substances.

II. Clean Technology

Time, temperature and stirring play an important role in the cleaning process. Time - The efficiency of cleaner chemicals usually depends on time, temperature - cleaner solutions with higher temperatures can better clean mixing. Whether manual or ultrasonic, it helps to loosen the dirt on the surface of the instrument.

A. Ultrasound cleaning

This is the most effective cleaning method. Ultrasound cleaning is the result of air vibration. Vibrational acoustic waves produce micron-scale bubbles in solution, which increase with the alternating pressure. When they reach resonance, even in the smallest crack, bubbles produce a force that can remove dirt and particles. Compared with ordinary water, the use of ultrasonic cleaning agent greatly improves the cavitation rate.

1. Mix enzymes or other neutral pH or weak alkaline detergents as recommended by the manufacturer.

2. Use deionized water when necessary.

3. Run the ultrasonic cleaner for several minutes to degasse the solution and get the correct temperature.

4. Place the instrument in the open position and put it in the ultrasonic cleaner. Do not let instruments with sharp blades touch other instruments. All instruments must be completely immersed in water.

5. Do not place dissimilar metals (stainless steel, copper, chromium plating, etc.) in the same cleaning cycle.

6. The instrument should be treated in detergent for 5 to 10 minutes.

7. Rinse the instrument with water to remove the ultrasonic cleaning solution and any residual dirt.

8. Dry the instrument thoroughly with a clean towel. This minimizes the risk of corrosion and formation of water spots.

9. use spray lubricants in the hinge to improve the function of the instrument.

B. Disinfector for Automatic Washing Machine

Follow the manufacturer's advice. Lubricate the instrument after the last rinse cycle and before the sterilization cycle.

C. Manual cleaning

1. Use a hard plastic cleaning brush. Do not use steel wool or wire brush.

2. Use only detergents with neutral pH value. Without proper rinsing, low pH cleaners may damage the stainless steel protective surface and lead to black staining. High pH detergents may cause surface deposits of brown stains, which may interfere with the smooth operation of the instrument.

3. Brush delicate instruments carefully and, if possible, separate them from ordinary instruments.

4. Check the surfaces of all instruments to ensure that they are clearly clean, free of stains and tissues. Check the function and condition of each instrument. The scissors blade should slide smoothly and should not be loosened when the blade is in the closed position. Check whether the tip of tweezers is aligned correctly. The hemostatic forceps and needle holders should not display light between the forceps, they should be easy to lock and unlock, and the joint should not be too loose. Check whether the pin holder is worn. Check cutting tools and tools to ensure that their blades are sharp and intact.

5. Flush the instrument thoroughly under running water. Flush, open and close scissors, hemostatic forceps, needle holders and other articulation tools to ensure that the hinge area is also flushed

6. Dry the instrument thoroughly with a clean towel. This minimizes the risk of corrosion and formation of water spots. Spray lubricants are used in the hinge to improve the function of the instrument.

D. immersion

When other cleaning methods are not practical, large non-precision instruments can be immersed in corrosion inhibitors. It is recommended to wash and dry after soaking.